PRESS RELEASE | Tacoma, July 31, 2024: The TRA Medical Imaging Foundation is pleased to announce that it has accepted three Tacoma Community College (TCC) students into the Foundation's scholarship program. This group of students from the Spring 2024 cohort are in their first year of the Radiologic Technologist program. The Foundation has accepted 8 scholars to date in 2024. Fall 2024 Scholarship applications will open October 8, 2024.
Recipients of the TRA Medical Imaging Foundation scholarships are chosen based on financial need and career aspirations. The program is dedicated to supporting students facing financial constraints while also providing mentorship to help them achieve their professional goals and aspirations. This involves connecting students with experienced technologists, radiologists, and other healthcare professionals who offer resources, ongoing support, guidance, and accountability throughout the program.
The TRA Medical Imaging Foundation Education Fund, established in 2020 with four scholars, has witnessed significant growth. By 2024, the Foundation proudly celebrated the graduation of 16 scholars from TCC's Imaging Science programs, encompassing both Radiological Technology and Diagnostic Medical Sonography. These graduates successfully completed the Scholar and Mentorship program. Many post-graduation scholars are actively participating in the launch of the TRA Medical Imaging Foundation Alumni Association and contributing to the advancement of medical imaging as a profession through advocacy and raising awareness of the numerous career opportunities available to medical imaging professionals.
As the TRA Medical Imaging Foundation continues to expand, our overarching goal is to broaden educational offerings and opportunities in CT, MRI, and Mammography. By doing so, we aim to generate employment, address workforce shortages, and enhance the quality of healthcare services in our community.
Meet the TRA Medical Imaging Foundation Scholarship recipients: https://www.tramedicalimagingfoundation.org/education-scholarship-recipients
To read more about Tacoma Community College’s Radiology program,visit: https://www.tacomacc.edu/aca.../programs/radiologic-science/
To read more about the scholarship application process visit: https://www.tramedicalimagingfoundation.org/scholarships
About the TRA Medical Imaging Foundation:
Located in Tacoma, WA, the TRA Medical Imaging Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofit entity, was created with the mission To promote better health and wellbeing by advancing access to medical imaging services and workforce development opportunities. Through the generosity of a giving community and philanthropic support of caring and committed donors, TRA Medical Imaging Foundation works to “give back” by supporting and promoting advancements in healthcare and education for those with whom they share this beautiful region.